Sign up as soon as possible for this training and enjoy the best content on sustainability and responsibility with this online master's program, accredited by the Catholic University of Murcia in collaboration with Structuralia

Duración - Créditos
Duración - Créditos
1500 horas - 60 ECTS
Plataforma Web
Plataforma Web
24 Horas
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Centro Líder
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Nuestros alumnos opinan sobre: Master’s Degree in Sustainability and Social Responsibility + 60 ECTS Credits

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* Todas las opiniones sobre Master’s Degree in Sustainability and Social Responsibility + 60 ECTS Credits, aquí recopiladas, han sido rellenadas de forma voluntaria por nuestros alumnos, a través de un formulario que se adjunta a todos ellos, junto a los materiales, o al finalizar su curso en nuestro campus Online, en el que se les invita a dejarnos sus impresiones acerca de la formación cursada.

Plan de estudios de Masters degree in sustainability and social responsability

MASTER`S DEGREE IN SUSTAINABILITY AND SOCIAL RESPONSABILITY. Enjoy the best content and don't hesitate to enroll in this professional field. Learn all about this area and develop your knowledge in sustainability and social responsibility through the 100% online methodology offered by Euroinnova International Online Education

Resumen salidas profesionales
de Masters degree in sustainability and social responsability
This Master’s degree in Sustainability and Social Responsibility responds to the current need of the construction sector to enhance their involvement in social responsibility and sustainable development. In fact, defining a CSR strategy and its subsequent management is already required by sustainable financial funds, investment analysts, public and private administration tenders, and non-financial reporting regulations. In the future, the demand for the CSR component is expected to grow due to a more educated, aware, and committed society with sustainability. This program has been prepared by professionals with extensive experience in CSR in the sector. The student is expected to acquire the necessary skills with which to establish, manage, and achieve strategic CSR objectives, which will have a positive impact on the company, both in economic, HHRR, social, environmental and reputational terms.
de Masters degree in sustainability and social responsability
Understand the context of CSR and its application within the organization, thus becoming a leading agent in the implementation of CSR strategies. Plan CSR strategy and management toward the alignment of the company's objectives with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in order to guarantee their systematic achievement. Apply CSR principles to governance, especially in the relationship with Public Administrations and other interest groups. Also, develop the principle of transparency as a basis for trust and responsibility. Consider and organize actions related to the social dimension of CSR (employees, clients and users, supply chain) by seeking to advance the performance of human rights, find new market niches, and evolve the market towards sustainability. Learn about sustainable financing trends in order to anticipate future market requirements and consider alternative financing avenues. Reflect on current and future environmental actions toward their integration into the company’s sustainability strategy. Communicate the impact of the implemented activities responsibly and in an organized manner to highlight good practices
Salidas profesionales
de Masters degree in sustainability and social responsability
This program is aimed at future CSR and/or Sustainability managers. Likewise, it is intended to guarantee the skills of other professionals in the construction sector who are going to assume, or have already assumed, social responsibility functions in the company such as: Corporate Managers, Human Resources Managers, Environment Managers, Quality Managers, and Communication and Organization Managers among others.
Para qué te prepara
el Masters degree in sustainability and social responsability
Developed by professionals with extensive experience in CSR in the sector, through this Master the student will acquire the necessary skills to establish, manage and achieve strategic CSR objectives, which will have a positive impact on the company in economic, labor, social, environmental and reputational levels.
A quién va dirigido
el Masters degree in sustainability and social responsability
The Master is aimed at future CSR and/or Sustainability Managers. It will also guarantee the competencies of other professionals in the construction sector who will assume or have assumed social responsibility functions in the company.
de Masters degree in sustainability and social responsability
Metodología Curso Euroinnova
Carácter oficial
de la formación
La presente formación no está incluida dentro del ámbito de la formación oficial reglada (Educación Infantil, Educación Primaria, Educación Secundaria, Formación Profesional Oficial FP, Bachillerato, Grado Universitario, Master Oficial Universitario y Doctorado). Se trata por tanto de una formación complementaria y/o de especialización, dirigida a la adquisición de determinadas competencias, habilidades o aptitudes de índole profesional, pudiendo ser baremable como mérito en bolsas de trabajo y/o concursos oposición, siempre dentro del apartado de Formación Complementaria y/o Formación Continua siendo siempre imprescindible la revisión de los requisitos específicos de baremación de las bolsa de trabajo público en concreto a la que deseemos presentarnos.

Temario de Masters degree in sustainability and social responsability

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Titulación de Masters degree in sustainability and social responsability

Masters Degree In Sustainability And Social Responsability StructuraliaMasters Degree In Sustainability And Social Responsability Structuralia
Master Of Professional Development in Sustainability and Social Responsibility with 60 ECTS Credits awarded by the Catholic University of Murcia in collaboration with Structuralia

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7 razones para realizar el Masters degree in sustainability and social responsability

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Información complementaria

Master's Degree in Sustainability and Social Responsability

Throughout this training, you will be able to learn about sustainability and corporate social responsibility, you will learn to address issues related to pollution and the negative impact of humans on the environment. For this reason, the Master's Degree in Sustainability and Social Responsibility gives you the opportunity to acquire advanced knowledge in this field.

Euroinnova International Online Education gives you the opportunity to train in the social dimensions of corporate social responsibility, actions to improve sustainability on the planet, as well as purchasing management and accounting procurement. This and much more will be possible thanks to the Master's Degree in Sustainability and Social Responsibility. Take a leap in quality and do not hesitate to enroll.


What does sustainability consist of?

Sustainability has as its main objective that the needs of future generations can meet their demands without the need to protect the environment, as well as economic growth and development at the social level. Many of the resources consumed are limited, so they can be depleted. Sustainability aims to manage the balance between economic development, social needs, and environmental management. It is interesting to know the principles of sustainability to better understand this area:

  • Environmental: This focuses on the efficient management of natural resources, thus affecting production activity and therefore conserving the needs that may be required in the future.
  • Economic: This refers to economic profitability socially and environmentally.
  • Social: It refers to strengthening the stability of populations and their development at a vital level.

Learn in detail all about social responsibility

When we talk about social responsibility, we are referring to the obligation that arises from ethics and morality regarding how organizations, companies, or individuals should act, thus responding to the acts of society. Social responsibility plays a very important role in society and the functioning of companies and individuals, thus achieving a balance between economic development, the impact of society, and the environment. Among the main objectives of social responsibility, we can highlight:

  • Sustainable development: This activity consists of carrying out practices that take into account the future of people without having a negative impact on the possibilities and needs that may be required in the future.
  • Social welfare and development: This training will allow you to improve your knowledge about social welfare and the quality of life of community members.
  • Protection: Its objective is to protect the environment and reduce the impact of actions.
  • Balance between profit and social impact.
  • Promotion of innovation in all those practices that have a positive impact on social and environmental issues.
  • Increase in education and awareness about social and environmental issues.
  • Identification of social, environmental, and other major risks.

Application of social responsibility to companies

When social responsibility is applied to companies, it results in corporate social responsibility, which is the active and voluntary contribution of the company with the aim of significantly improving the social, economic, and environmental situation. Corporate Social Responsibility is responsible for carrying out actions that help social responsibility from a business perspective:

  • Ethical management: These professionals specialized in social responsibility are responsible for the ethical management of employees.
  • Sustainable production.
  • Supplier relations, thus achieving a fair relationship with suppliers.
  • Ethical use, it is responsible for using different technologies ethically.
  • Environment, it consists of work aimed at protecting and respecting the environment, avoiding as much as possible negative impacts on it.

Why study the Master's Degree in Sustainability and Social Responsibility with Euroinnova?

There are many skills you will acquire throughout this training, you will achieve a unique preparation in this labor field and develop your knowledge in social responsibility and sustainability.

Enjoy the best content 100% online and increase your professional preparation. After completing the Master's Degree in Sustainability and Social Responsibility, you will receive a degree issued by the Catholic University of Murcia with 60 ECTS credits, in collaboration with Structuralia.
Request information as soon as possible and do not hesitate to enroll.

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